Dyeing - a Martyr to my Hair

On October 30th 2006, the day before Halloween, I will be dyeing my hair magenta for charity. The charity is PRIMHE, who provide primary healthcare for sufferers of mental illness & depression. This blog is a diary of how things are going for me, how things are going for the fundraising, and also, the people who help me along the way. PRIMHE is a registered charity, number 1087275

Monday, December 04, 2006


Hello blogfans!
I've not posted for a little while, because I've been away! I went up to Glasgow on Sunday night, for a surprise visit. My brother's at university there, so I decided that I'd go & see him before the Christmas rush at the shop gets too inescapable.
Glasgow is great. Life there isn't as cotton-wool-wrapped as down here in Twickenham, and people just get on & do things - hardly anyone commented or seemed to notice my hair & beard! I met some very interesting people, nonetheless.
I'd had my beard re-dyed on the Friday, so I'm not as pale as before.
I'm just writing this as I'm drying before work, so I'm only writing a little, just to say "Hello, I'm still here, and haven't been beaten up yet." And that I'm still magenta. I'll transform this into a real proper post this evening when I get back from work, and sit down in front of my "Vic Reeves Big Night Out" DVD.
Until then... Here's a "Before & After" shot...


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