Dyeing - a Martyr to my Hair

On October 30th 2006, the day before Halloween, I will be dyeing my hair magenta for charity. The charity is PRIMHE, who provide primary healthcare for sufferers of mental illness & depression. This blog is a diary of how things are going for me, how things are going for the fundraising, and also, the people who help me along the way. PRIMHE is a registered charity, number 1087275

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


If I'm feeling brave tomorrow, I may publish some of my cartoons that I'd drawn for Primhe at the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006, when I was at a fragile stage. I had wanted to keep them private, but I've got this far, so why not got the whole way? So many people have told me I'm brave for doing this dyeing for 2 months, but I'm really not. Dyeing is just a gesture.
Dyeing has been really fascinating, watching people's reactions, and how they see me - smiles and scowls, laughter and insults, questions and indifference.
To dye - that is the greatest adventure!

*Later note: Nov 11, Still no cartoons posted, but I'll try to scan some tonight if I remember.


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