Dyeing - a Martyr to my Hair

On October 30th 2006, the day before Halloween, I will be dyeing my hair magenta for charity. The charity is PRIMHE, who provide primary healthcare for sufferers of mental illness & depression. This blog is a diary of how things are going for me, how things are going for the fundraising, and also, the people who help me along the way. PRIMHE is a registered charity, number 1087275

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Yes, there's only another four days to go, and then I can finally shave!

In a way, I'll be quite sad to get rid of my big pink beard, but I think it's by far time that it came off. I suppose it's 5 months that I've been bearded, and I really will notice a huge difference shaven - especially as it's a little cold out!
I'll collect the last of the donations tomorrow, and deposit them into my Primhe account - I'm sure we've collected over £1,000, and hopefully I'll have a chance to meet up with Chris Manning, the Primhe CEO before I shave.

For those of you visiting the blog for the first time, here's a little info, so that you don't have to scroll down too far...

Primhe is a charity providing primary mental healthcare and education for those who suffer from mental illnesses and depression. To help, you can either donate at:
the Real Ale shop, 371 Richmond Road, Twickenham (where I work),
the Old Anchor, also on Richmond Road (my local pub), or
the Rifleman, 4th Cross Road, Twickenham (where I used to work).
Donations can also be made through the Primhe website, at

Thanks again to all those who have helped - I hope you all had wonderful Christmasses, and wish you all the best for the New Year.


  • At Monday, January 08, 2007 2:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Go you!!! No only is dying your beard amazing in itself, but doing it for such a charity is doubly amazing! My sister has a mental disorder, and there's nowhere near enough help/funding out there for such illnesses, so raising so much money/awareness for the cause is a massive acheivement. Well done :) XXXXX


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